Of course there is an obnoxious story to go along with this incident! So, Brett noticed one day that we had a couple of these fun holes in our bedroom window. We didn't know where they came from but a coulpe days later the truth revealed itself. We had just sat down to have a nice little romantic dinner together and we hear something hitting the side of our house. We went to the window and discovered two little hoodlems on the other side of the wall from us with sling shots and rocks! Well, Brett went ahead and wooped out the video camera so we would have some evidence. Eventually the boys saw us and we came to the quick conclusion that they weren't the most intelligent kids we have ever come across. They just kept right on with thier routine, knowing that we were taping them. They flipped us off a few times, put on some halloween masks and even broke another window. In the meantime, I am on the phone with the police and they showed up in no time. Yeah, I know, it might be lame that I called the cops instead of going over and saying something. But lets just say the fellow outside (who ended up being the babysitter) was a little sketchy looking and let's be honest, you never know who the crazies are. Long story short, the two 9 year old boys came over and apologized and their parents are paying for both windows to be repaiered. Keepin it real in the hood!