For the 2nd weekend in a row Erica and I found ourselves up in the White Mountains for the weekend. However this time our trip was actually planned. Erica and friends were throwing a baby shower for Katie at Erica’s parent’s house. My wife is amazing! (as i think these photos prove!)

We left Thursday evening and were able to spend Friday morning helping Erica’s dad install a new roof on their house. Truth is I am not sure we were very helpful, as it is a very large and labor intensive job. Friday evening I headed over to Pinetop to spend some time with my family while Erica and her mother began their baby show preparations. Saturday morning I understand that the shower went off without a hitch.
As for me, I helped my mother clean out the garage in Pinetop, did some tree trimming, and then headed up to the Sky High Cinder Pit to go shooting with my dad and brother Dallas. I finally got to fire off the AK-47 that my parents got me (truthfully I am sure my mother had no knowledge or part in buying me a gun) for Christmas. At Dallas’s request we also did some skeet shooting. He had spent a day with friends in Utah skeet shooting just before he moved back to AZ (about 2 weeks ago). Truthfully Dallas is a better skeet shooter than I am.
That evening Dallas and I played in the SHOW LOW ALUMNI SOCCER GAME 2009. Now most people reading probably know that Show Low is the cross town rival to Blue Ridge, the High School that my family attended. Well Show Low was putting on this game as a fund raiser and couldn’t quite fill two full teams. (11 players per team on the field at a time, thus they needed at least 22 players) Well it turns out there were actually 6 players (my brother and I included) from Blue Ridge to play in the game. Though the 6 of us were hoping that we would be allowed to play on the same team, they split us up 3 on one team, 3 on the other. As the age of players ranged from just graduated to this guy who was on Show Lows inaugural team of 1993, we played four 20 minute quarters (for those of you who do not know the beautiful, usually we play two 45 minute halves) just to give some of us older and out of shape guys a chance. The offense was on display, not so much the defense. Final score 10-6. My team lost, but the one bright spot. Of the 16 goals, 11 were by Blue Ridge players! GO BR!