Don't worry, I will never preach to you about blogging! Who am I do judge. This was taken at the Church Historical Museum (I made that up, I can't remember the name of it) across the street from the Salt Lake Temple. We were able to drive up with Bretts family and celebrate his Grandpa Paxmans 85th Birthday. It was great to see everyone! Bretts Aunt and Uncle are great and so funny! Love you Aunt Diane! Uncle Emil, I'll have to think about it... maybe when you come to a true understanding of how wonderful Snowflake is. Once you get past the wind factor. Anyway, we had a good time, driving around beautiful Salt Lake with the newly fallen snow, playing with family, eating with family, laughing with family, ice skating, shopping and everything else. One of our highlights was being able to visit a couple friends we haven't seen for a while. Kyle, Katie and Kelsey had us over for lunch. After lunch, Katie had to leave for work and Brett and Kyle had to go pick up his car, and here was when my favorite part came. I got to lay down on the couch and take a tiny nap with baby Kelsey asleep on my chest. It's always fun to see them and as straight as I'd like to believe Brett is, he and Kyle are quite fond of each other. They go way back and I'm pretty sure they suffer from seper
ation anxiety when apart from each other. WHATEVER! So we were also able to get together with Amy and a friend for dinner and had Sushi, YUM! I love Amy! She is so fun and still when I hear certain SNL skits I think of her! She looks fantastic and it was so fun to get to spend a little time with her. It's been way too long!
Just a few other pics...
I'm pretty sure I should have played professional hockey, anyone agree?
Merry Christmas Brett and Chris! The brothers got AK 47 from Daddy. Just a heads up, neither of them hunt, so it wouldn't be wise to play a prank and sneak in our house at night. Brett hasn't even had a chance to try it out yet, but he talks about it often. : )
Grandma and Grandpa Paxman, he is the sweetest man! Bretts dad takes after his mom. She's got plenty of spunk and I hear it's tamed down a bit ove the years. Love both!